Friday, April 2, 2010

Twenty-Two :)

This year birthday was a really special one. I spent my 22nd birthday together with my one & only son. He was such a dear on tt day.

I met up together with xuemin, eileen & apple at noon, after tt we had a short walk and i got Lucas a pair of socks.. It was rather cold, and i know its gonna rain soon.. in fact i've already put on his cardigan for him.

left at around 3pm, cos i've arranged to go mummy's place for chicken soup.. she haven seen baby for ard 2weeks? but through-out e whole day Lucas is sleeping soundly inside his pram. he didnt cry, he also didnt wake for milk. so before i left mummy's left i gave him his milk since his last fed was 5hours ago @ 60ml only.. heheee

cabbed to aunt sally place for my birthday party with everyone.. thank youuu!

my birthday cakes
Orange zest Chocolate & Lychee Martini

1. granduncle daniel
2. james gong-gong
3. auntie felicia
4 & 5. i love this 2 pics soooo much. allen looks so fatherly.. he such a great uncle to Lucas
6. baby enjoying his head massage by uncle Adam


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