Friday, April 2, 2010

2nd April

i'm officially 22years old already

from a lil girl, to a lady and now a mummy w a son

i only hope tt
i can grow to be mre independent
a stable job financially strong for Lucas
complete my license by this year so i can move on to taking up other upgrading courses

this year is just a bad as the past few years
nothing seems to move slowly in my life

but this year i receive my biggest happiest gift in life
something money can never ever buy

of course its Lucas
seeing him growing up daily
smiling at me every morning
hugging him to bed
experiencing to be a mummy
the 9mths mother-son bonding

its makes it all worth while
no matter how tough my route continues to be

his my strength, my pillar of support
and i'll always continue to love you till e very end

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