Wednesday, November 18, 2009

7th month :)

oh! i slept @ 9.30 jus now, too exhausted today. and here im awake already unable to sleep. die liao loh :(

@ 27 weeks
@ 28weeks

ADC with hubby as usual for baby's growth scanning. lil notty lucas is AGAIN not co-operative during e scan therefore i had to do another one after 15mins. & as i expected, baby had a already head downwards since 2weeks ago. therefore i think i jus have to bear with the rib-bone pain till his out. jus another 79 days. i think time is passing really really sooooo fast.

im hoping very much tt lucas will come out before 15jan, between his 36 - 37weeks.
seems abit early rite? bt its also okay for him to come out closer to his full-term, jus wans him to be healthy

currently i weigh 64.6 & lucas is already 1.15kg

aftermall headed for review @ clinic A. chat alot with Dr.Regina today.
have also checked out on e dfferent contraceptive method, delivery & hospital charges.

took a cab back to granny's place for dinner with all the yummy yummy food.
she thinks now my appetite is 5-6x more den wad i usually consume. YES im eating alot now, tummy nvr seems to be satisfied

well, i think i gotta start shopping for baby stuff. eg formula powder, diapers, stroller etc
i don wan it to be last min, gonna b very hectic & stressful
hav already started washing baby's lucas cloth diaper, clothes, handkie

next mth when hubby starts going on leave & mc, we will begin shifting baby stuff to granny place

well, next week heading to family chalet & the last sunday of nov, am attending cousin's wedding dinner. same location as our wedding, haha memories 4mths ago

stay tuneeee :)

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