Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I'm very much excited over the wedding, counting down to 25 july :)

especially when this 2weeks have been doing the wedding preparations, i feel the mood rushing..

After the photoshoot on tuesday, we went in on thrus again with darling julia. to select the photos taken. personally i think i damn good lar! like so many of these but i cut and constrain to only 32shots, in order not to over spend money to develop more, which will cost alot alot.. had seafood dinner before heading back to s'pore.

friday baby decided to take MC for his too tired to work. however we did went out with jonathan & his fren for movie "transformers".. i like the animation, but the story plot was so-so only.

sat.... went mdis to collect our cert, brought granny to make a new pair of spects for herself and myself. collect our wedding red bomb from the restaurant, head for lunch. lastly daddy J place. our bedrm furniture will be delivered today. like my room, have already moved most of hubby belonging from Mummy S place over. went out in the night with cx for dinner & to bomb him.. haha, lastly to Mummy J place to drop invitations for relative, home :) knock it out

sunday, picked daddy J in the late morning. we're heading off to drop red bomb to my relative & daddy's fren. sent daddy J back before going into JB again. today we're viewing the photos after the editing.. i supposed hubby was right was his love for the princess series. so i supposed im changing my gown to the princess gown, hubby is so in love with it :) head to aunt vivien place to bomb them & had our dinner. watched a dvd with the boys before leaving. boys, especially rayner, was in a super good mood tt nite. kissing hugging loving us all times. lastly we went to mummy S place to drop invitation.

monday.. hubby on mc again. he had diahorrea, i supposed it must be food poisoning lar. he woke up 3x in the wee hrs to shit. doctor says he dehydrated already. gotta rest more..

oh! beside the tonic granny bought for me.. i have lots of bird nest for me too.. all for me n baby :) i'm soooooo Loved <3

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