Sunday, July 12, 2009

wedding photos' update

Went out with Julia on wed. was starving like hell when i met her @ far east :( had pastamania, not very fantastic thou. Shopped around far east & got myself a dress tt i so loved & others stuff, before heading to wisma & taka. wonder when will be the next tym we'll be free to meet up.

woke up early for routine dental together wit hubby. noticed he had 3gums infections & i insisted he go with me to the clinic. but lucky for him, no decay jus lotsa of "smelly" dark diamond which requests lots of polishing HAHA :x
doc say his wisdom tooth is coming already, and i way sooooo happy :)) becos i had my surgically removed few yrs back & it just saved me for the pain which most had to go thru. so i here nagging hubby to remove it surgically, no pain jus swollen piggy face for 2weeks..

headed to venus today to settle on my wedding gowns & to collect some photoshots tt was developed to distribute to relatives. so here's a preview :)

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