Wednesday, July 1, 2009

bridal shoot

Hubby & i went for our bridal shoot @ Venus yesterday. We were very totally drained out from the whole day shot. woke up @ 9am & slept only @ 11 in the night, was telling hubby "i bet you have NEVER ever smiled this much in your ever before" haha.

But we were very confident tt the photo will turn out very very pretty, hubby looked so good yesterday. i had 5gowns to changed + 1 noyang dress, however e last noyang dress i took only less then 5shots. too exhausted couldnt focus anymore + tt area not much air ventilation, i could hardly breathe :(

headed for dinner before coming home. gotta go in tmr again to choose the photo, was telling hubby "i think i will end up choosing alot more photo & we must pay additional" hubby "its ok lar, once a lifetime" :) hehe

ohhhhh! and i'm only abt 2mths pregnant now, ahma already preparing tonics for me to drink. this morning she told me "i bought lotsa essence, you everynight before sleep must drink, i'll boil tgt with ginseng bla bla bla so nicer.."

see i already said before, family are always family, they WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU NO MATTER WHAT

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