Wednesday, July 29, 2009

25.07.09 Our Wedding 婚礼 - Part One

Part of the challenge set by the 6sisters :) Sour Sweet Bitter Spicy
and the milk btl, diaper & tutu from my nanny to disturb hubby
hubby was late for an hr to fetch the bride which was ME
hence daddy decided to punish him together with allen, considering tt the challenge will do injustice cos it was way kick :x HAHA


opps! the groom is finally here after the long long wait..
time to turn the veil over with Daddy & Godma

HELLO HUBBY! welcome to this gatecrashing challenge :)

And here is Jasmine welcoming him with the first challenge

" yucks~!!! kopi-O i don like :( "

yummy yummy~~~

punishment for getting the Love Song between us WRONG!!!

Finally gatecrash SUCCESSFUL :) I coming for my bride muacks

I LOVE YOU BABY ... muacks!

okay now for some family photos...

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