Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm alive ;)

Attended kaiyen's birthday dinner together with hubby, was kinda late *opps!

waited sooo long for the rest to get the seatings ready for 10pax until we were sooo hungry. the girls couldnt tahan so went to ask for a stool for me to sit cos i stood there very long.

while the guys went to smk & get a surprise cake. BUT cheese cake... yeks! i hate cheese, haha n the birthday hates cheese too. so ended up she didnt eat @ all nor. wasted sia

food was horrible! no way are we going back there again. aftermath we intended to catch a movie but all the slots were full & horror movies are out for me. went up to emax & rented a suite room for all of us. it was cosy in there but there was no sound proof therefore there was alot of noise pollution from other rooms.

came up @ 3am & i began feeling sick already. but knock it off & went to bed.

woke up on sat arvo & i cannot take it anymore. asked hubby go doc with me. came home eat lunch & medicine n slept all the way. anyway from sat till today basically i have been sleeping n sleeping. i think i jus need more rest

hubby took urgent leave to look after me cos las nite i began developing fever, it came on & off. especially now i'm pregnant & home alone, hubby mus be home to look after me nor.

oh! smth on the brighter side :)
i finally felt baby kicking me during my sunday (12 oct) arvo nap but i didnt manage to let hubby feel it. but today i did let hubby feel baby's kick again. i think we're both so amazed @ how much this lil baby can bring to us.

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