Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary

Today pronounce baby & mine 1st anniversary. The memories 1yr ago are still so vivid to me.

Though we didnt celebrate at all today, but its in the hearts that all matters.. will have many many more anniversary to come along, & next yr our lil-chew will join us in the celebrations.

Another 2weeks & im hitting the 6mth @ the same time appt with gynae. was telling my aunt that i gained almost 7kg so far already (i think im so fat, so shock abt my weight gain). all my aunties reaction were like "HUH!", when i heard tt i thought i really put alot, but they ended up saying.

"i gained 20+ kg when i was pregnant okay.?"

im sooo afraid i cant shed off the extras, must work doubly hard on breast-feeding when baby is born.

btw i haven thought of any good, unique & nice name yet.
any nice suggestions?

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