Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding ceremony tt night was memorable and very fun all thanks to ppl around me tt make it come through...

Godma & Jack's Godpa: gave us the biggest helping hand when we needed comfort

Uncle thomas & Uncle Zeshun: the biggest credit goes to them for all the beautiful pictures taken

Ahma: all the weeks for preparation, making tonic for my good health & waking up early to cook on my wedding day

Felicia, Jasmine, Shirlyn, Fiona, Loretta, Kaiyen: for being the sisters, i bet all had great joy playing ard with the groom

Daddy & Mummy: for giving birth to me

Allen: for all the help tt nite

Hubby: for all the support & love tt you've been giving my especially during the dark times

Lastly, auntie lily auntie amelyn & uncle daniel & other family for all the love tt your had showered on me. Now tt im married and starting a family of my own, i wanna thanks you all for the passed 21yrs no matter what had happened.


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