Sunday, August 2, 2009

Roller Coaster

Feeling kinda moody rite now :(

dont ask why, becos there's no particular reason. highly it must be due to the pregnancy i supposed. As hubby have been a great love, sparing his gaming hours to entertain mahjong with me.. making him addicted haha :p

Am into my 2nd trimester already. but many a times i doubt if i'm pregnant?! well well well, despite 2 self-test & 3doc check & 1 scanning done.

reason being:
- i dont feel sick anymore like how i felt in the beginning
- i do not really see my tummy despite eating alot
- i dont vomit
- i didnt put on any weight, max 1kg okay?
- my breast not enlarging alot

but now i've been aching alot alot
when i lie in bed i need to hold my back before i can get up
now i need to get bolster for me to lift my leg high up when i sleep or lie to reduce cramps
and i always get sudden cramps on either of my thigh, it gets so sudden & bad tt @ times i cant move

thanks to hubby who always carry heavy stuff and massaging for me.. :))

good nite

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