Friday, August 21, 2009

More updates

hehe! i noe for a really long time i have not blogged, partly lazy & partly becos i wan to re-do my blog design but blogger changed to "xml" but i only noe "html & frontpage" shitty!

well, i'm 菲尔山第一闲人 now! everyday lazing at home, waking up only close to noon. eat watch play.

last sunday, i had a vision black-out when i was on the streets & knock onto someone. lucky baby held on to me, otherwise i will jus collapse dono wad will happen to lil-baby. low blood pressure MUST BE :x

our 2mths old warerobe, was not probably fixed by i-don't-know "kenzo or courts", which cos the 2shelves inside to keep collapsing & hit hubby one of the nights while helping me. now my room is in a big big mess cos i remove all my bags & baby clothes out. i've called for a week & nobody entertain me, im so so angry cos i cant do my housework!

suddenly i missed going sentosa, i wonder if i still can wear bikini in my state anot, think can, cos tummy not very big haha!

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