Thursday, August 20, 2009

lil baby @ 15weeks

Went for my schedule appt @ KKH with hubby. this was the 1st tym he came into contact with lil-baby. lil-baby is currently in the 15weeks. when i was doing the scan, hubby couldnt stop smiling from behind me. i could sense his happiness & joy looking at his own baby for the 1st tym.

and there was a point when lil-baby was looking at us, so we saw his eyes clearly. quite big & roundy. i cant wait for the next appt on 25sep, we will noe whether its a boy or a girl.

we've no preference on its gender. we only want it to grow healthy. and for me, i don care if i put on alot of weight i only wan lil-baby to grow well, hopefully at least a 3kg during birth. i'm kinda worried cos in my 4mth im only 54.3kg, with only a 1.3kg gain.

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