Monday, April 19, 2010

you brought about faith in me

went to e court today for mediation together with JC. the talk didnt come about a settlement hence we've to go back again.

i really think it will take a couple of session more. becos JC is not open about talking, can see his avoiding alot of questions n finding alot of excuses to support his words. but ended up mre n mre loopholes. macham talk n slap his own face

he once said "im feeling happier n better with my life now"

but apparently! if what you said today was true, den im sure. i'm e one leading a better life compared to you. but you shld noe it well. you brought this upon yourself.

it was ur choice of life, who you trusted.

each time you lie, you'll only require more lies to cover up ur ass

at e end of e day. i still love him. n wan to forgive him no matter wad happens. im still ur wife, you're my hubby. i wan our son to grow up healthily.

i hope you'll wake up from his sense one day n make a right choice

even in-laws r not supporting you.
i'll b there for you if you'r willing to change for the family sincerely

jus when the talk ended n i left e court.
God brought about a light n hope in my life once again.
im glad i kept myself strong all this while n trusted in God faithfully
trusting tt he'll guide me our of this dark times. leading the right way in life for me

apparently last week e japanese co decided to employ e other applicant instead of me. and she was supposed to start work today but she back out last min. making e HR n recruit agent so angry. ended up they decided to employ me at my expected salary

finally i got the job i wanted badly.

thank you Jesus!

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