Friday, September 25, 2009

Naughty lil-baby!

tummy @ 20weeks

Went for my schedule gynae appt today with hubby. missed the appt @ 11.30 & ended up having to wait until 12.50 for my scanning causing me to miss my appt with my gynae.


12.50 when in scan for 20min, so happy see baby so clearly. obviously grown up already. the arms & legs are so easy to identiy. but realise baby is always clinching his fist nor. saw his face, he got big n round eyes like me but a sharp chin like daddy. but! being tis a detailed scan for baby's health, they've to check his heart veins & all details. VERY naughty baby, kept hiding from us. and it was lunchtime for the sonographer, so she ask me come back @ 1.50 to try again

1.50 scan 10 mins baby still refuse to face up let her scan, told to come back @ 2.20. since i already know the gender, i cannot stop my itchness so we went to shop for some clothes

2.40 scan another 20mins finally let sonographer see the heart and all, but beause all not very well developed yet, was asked to go to a more senior sonographer so she can scan better

3.oo WAH PIANG 4th scan of the day lar. bth!

since i've missed my gynae (Dr. Regina) appt @ 12.20 i went to e 24hr clinic & so happened she was there.

its was such a relieve to hear from her that hubby & my blood report everything is normal, down symdrome test result is LOW. baby is growing very well & same goes to me.

omg! i wan bang wall okay, soooo shocking. 4th mth i only gained 2kg but 1mth apart in my 5th mth i gained another 3kg. so far i've gained closed to 6kg, cannot image @ the end of my pregnancy how much weight i'll gain & how am i gonna lose it back.

& finally BABY's gender is a...........................

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