Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hubby decided to take leave yesterday to go out with me to the baby fair @ taka

@ 6.30am
hubby: hmmm i lazy work today (becos i tempted him to go shopping with me)
me: dn lazy lar
hubby: okay! decided not to go work, later go taka shopping with you *kiss me on my lips & went back to sleep

see hubby is soo scheming leh, used me as an excuse!

but it was a rainy day, was pouring from morning till arvo, but i still instead he brings me out if not i will get very grummy

had lunch @ taka, before going heading to the fair

hubby: NONO! put it back, neutral colours rmb??
me: haiya nvm la, most likely its a boy liao lar (p/s: i didnt get any pink clothing)

initially wanted to get a pram too, cos it cheaper now with the sale. but i doubt i can convince hubby to let me buy. think going to wait till we know the gender & probably wait for the after x'mas sale. we need to get more clothes cos lil-baby will be shuttling between our home & my 娘家 ; fyi lil-baby will be looked after by his/her great-grandmother

ended up spending 200. not much clothes cos hubby don let me buy. but i got other items which will come in handy next yr

hubby & i are so crazy over the taiwan idol drama 命中注定我爱你 aka Fated to Loved You!
so nice tt hubby love this show as much as i do

i wonder!!! im lazying @ home everyday doing nothing, lil bit housework & eating. but apparently i don think i put on alot of weight n tummy consider small wor. seriously cant wait for my next check up :)

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