Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm pregnant!

how did i found out my pregnancy?

On this faithful day (almost 2mths after my 21st), i decided to run out of the office to get a testkit from the pharmacy since my due menses have yet to report. Initially, hubby & i ignored it, as we jus came back from a holiday & during the trip i was taking this pill to delay my mense from coming, therefore there's a probably that my cycle was disrupted due to the pill intake.

And most importantly, i've the "i'm pregnant" feeling @ the same time.

while i was in the toliet waiting for the result to be shown. i was so anxious!

finally, the result was POSITIVE!

dialled hubby, asked him if he could take half day off like, immediately? and i told him i jus did a self-test and i turned positive. hubby (although already knew beforehand tt i might be pregnant) sounded a lil shock but still he took leave and accompany me to the doctor to confirm this news.

couldnt believe that i'm already in my 5th weeks. we were really happy when we knew the answer but @ the same time we knew trouble seems to be coming cos we aint financially stable yet.

abortion was an option @ that time too. hubby let me decide, not because he doesnt wan to bear the responsibility. he will still marry me (even after the abortion) but his afraid we cant support the baby.

but after 1mth of consideration, i knew i really cant bring myself to abort the baby. i told hubby and we decided to keep the baby.

so from then on, we began informing my family & his godpa. and started preparing for the wedding within 2mths time.

i'm glad i made this decision to keep the baby, especially when i can feel him now. the feeling is simply amazing, it seems to bond hubby & i even closer.

1 comment:

  1. hi young mummy ! you're brave ! and have a smooth delivery ! (:
