Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Feelings horrible

Now tt i know going through 9mths pregnancy is no easy task MAN! i'm only close to 2mths into pregnancy but i've been feeling so difficult.

-dizzy spells
-lots of burps, sometimes w e urge to vomit
-no appetite
-low sugar lvl (drinking lots of glucose to aid fainting)

its really no easy but i'm determined to walk through this..
i've this feeling its gonna be a baby girl, b'cos my symptons was similarly to aunt's amelyn while carrying felicia. i used to be a meat lover i loved home cooked soup by granny.

but ever since i had this baby. the sight of meat turns me off. i hardly take in anything everyday, drinking milo to keep myself full.

ok, so far for my pregnancy..
hubby have been very nice. checking out on me everyday he comes home from work "how're u feeling today". as of yesterday i decided to quit my temp job, becos this 1st trimester is being harsh on me. i feel weak even when i'm home. you'll just hear my nagging n screaming how uneasy i'm feeling inside.

now abt breaking e pregnacy news.
so far granny, a.lily, a.amelyn & u.daniel, a.sally already knows abt it.
been wanting to break e news to daddy but thoughts jus came by "better confirm wedding/rom details w godpa before telling him"

last 2weeks was living in fears but coming this week was much way better. a.lily had a nice talk w me and i'm really touched @ her concerns for us and volunteering the help we really need. since lil baby will probably be under granny care when we're working.

i shall update again but hubby & i are determined to keep this lil baby of ours.

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